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State Council Holds National Day Reception to Celebrate the 72nd Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China
2021-10-01 14:19

On the evening of September 30, 2021, the State Council held a reception at the Great Hall of the People to warmly celebrate the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang, Li Zhanshu, Wang Yang, Wang Huning, Zhao Leji, Han Zheng, Wang Qishan and other leaders of the Party and the state as well as nearly 500 Chinese and foreign personages gathered together to celebrate the birthday of the People's Republic of China.

The banquet hall of the Great Hall of the People was brightly lit and filled with a festive atmosphere. The national emblem was hung high above the rostrum with the reign title of "1949-2021" in big font size shining brightly against the red flags.

At around 5:30 p.m., with the joyous "a tune of welcome", Xi Jinping and other Party and state leaders stepped into the banquet hall and were welcomed by warm applause.

The military band played "March of the Volunteers" and all the audience stood up and sang the national anthem after the reception began. Premier Li Keqiang addressed the reception. On behalf of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, he first extended festival congratulations to the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, and extended cordial greetings to compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and to Chinese nationals overseas. He also expressed his heartfelt thanks to all the international friends who have shown concerns and support for China in its endeavor to modernize.

Li Keqiang said, this year we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC. Under the leadership of the CPC, China has achieved outstanding development over the past 72 years that has attracted the world's attention, particularly completing the first centenary goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects and embarking on the new quest to fully build a modern socialist country. This year is the first year in China's 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025), China, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, has coordinated epidemic response with social and economic development, and effectively responded to the complex and grave international environment, as well as multiple challenges from COVID-19 and severe floods. In addition, China has continued to deepen reform and opening up to strengthen the driving force of development, effectively adopted a series of macroeconomic policies to help ease companies' difficulties, actively promoted entrepreneurship and innovation and fostered new drivers for growth. China's economy has continued to recover and develop, and Chinese athletes have made remarkable achievements in the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games as well as the National Games. People's lives have been continuously improved, and new progress has been achieved and a new look has been taken on in various undertakings.

Li Keqiang pointed out that, there are still many difficulties and challenges on the way forward, and there is a long way to go toward realizing the second centenary goal. Development is the foundation and key to solving all problems in China. We must adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and meet the requirements of grasping the new development stage, following the new development philosophy, fostering a new development paradigm and advancing high-quality development. We must ensure regular pandemic prevention and control, enhance cross-cyclical adjustment, continue to implement macro policies around the needs of market entities, and stabilize reasonable expectations. Furthermore, we must focus on key tasks such as technological innovation, expansion of domestic demand and rural revitalization, improve green and safe development capabilities, maintain economic operations within a reasonable range, and promote sound long-term economic growth. Reform and opening-up is China's fundamental state policy, which also serves as the key source of momentum for China's future development. We need to deepen reform across the board and make more significant progress in reform in key areas and sectors. We need to persist in the direction of socialist market economy reform, adhere to the "two no irresolutions" principle, create a market-oriented, law-based and internationalized business environment, cultivate and strengthen market entities, treat all types of market entities equally, maintain fair competition, and further stimulate market vitality and social creativity. We need to promote higher-level opening-up on an institutional basis to the outside world, and expand the space for mutual benefit and win-win results. Our policy must meet the needs of the people. We need to do well the things that people look forward to with more thoughtful and practical measures, take multiple measures to create more jobs, and consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation. Pensions, medical care and housing are related to hundreds of millions of families, and they must make progress every year in protecting these basic people's livelihoods. We must make efforts to reduce the burden of childbirth, parenting and education. We need to promote equal opportunities, encourage entrepreneurship, innovation and creation, increase urban and rural personal incomes through hard work, and continue to improve people's livelihoods and well-being in sustained development.

Li Keqiang said, we will continue to fully and faithfully implement the principle of "one country, two systems", "the people of Hong Kong governing Hong Kong", "the people of Macao governing Macao", and a high degree of autonomy for both regions. We will safeguard China's sovereignty, security and development interests, promote common development and progress of Hong Kong, Macao and the mainland, and continuously improve people's well-being and ensure long-term stability and prosperity. We should adhere to the overall principles and policies on work related to Taiwan and uphold the one-China principle and the 1992 Consensus, while promoting the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations and advancing national reunification for the benefit of people across the Taiwan Strait. We firmly oppose and deter any "Taiwan independence" separatist activities and external interference, and work together to create a bright future for national rejuvenation. As the largest developing country, China will continue to focus on running its own affairs well, stay committed to pursuing peaceful development, work for a new type of international relations, further improve global governance and build a community with a shared future for mankind. China will step up exchanges and cooperation with other countries to jointly tackle global challenges and promote the recovery and growth of the world economy.

Li Keqiang concluded that, with hard work, we will achieve great success and create a better future. Let us rally more closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, take on responsibility, forge ahead, and strive to build China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful, and work tirelessly to realize the Chinese Dream of the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation.

With the joyful music, the guests and friends from home and abroad jointly toasted to the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, to China's prosperity and strength, to the well-being of the Chinese people, and to the long-lasting friendship between the Chinese people and people around the world.

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